Why are Helicopter Fans known as HVLS Fans?
April 08, 2024

If we discuss HVLS Fans, then first our minds imagine Helicopter fans. Why? Both fans are similar in size and function.

Still, one question on the roundup. Why are HVLS fans as popular as Helicopter Fans?  

HVLS stands for High Volume, Low Speed. Before coming on advances, we explore the principle of Helicopter rotors, resembling wing-like discs due to their rapid rotation, and operate on a principle akin to that of high-volume low-speed (HVLS) fans.

The main difference is that helicopter rotors are designed for high-speed flight, thus consuming significant energy to maintain lift and propulsion, and HVLS fans are designed for efficient air movement at low speeds, resulting in lower energy consumption compared to traditional fans.

Why are HVLS fans as popular as Helicopter fans?

The main stand between HVLS Fans and Helicopter rotors both work on two functions: first, the speed of the blade, and second, its purpose. Understanding HVLS  fans can help Helicopter fans, so let’s explore it.

Also Read: What are HVLS fans? The Basics & Benefits

High Volume Low Speed (HVLS)

HVLS Fans are working on the principle of High Air Volume at Low Speed.  As the same Helicopter rotor blade flows a high volume of air.

HVLS fans are characterized by their large-diameter blades, typically ranging from 7 to 24 feet in diameter, and their ability to move significant amounts of air while consuming relatively low amounts of energy.

HVLS fans can create a comfortable environment and improve air quality in large spaces while reducing energy costs compared to traditional HVAC systems.

Where Helicopter Fans produce a huge sound, on the other hand, HVLS Fans run at low speeds, so they do not create a sound or vibration.


While both helicopter fans and HVLS fans are designed to move air, they serve very different purposes and operate under different principles. Helicopter fans are specialized components of helicopters, while HVLS fans are large industrial fans used for improving air circulation and cooling in large spaces.

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